r-h music, Black Asia Volume, Rajesh Hardwani
Morning Call
What up beautiful people?!
I have trouble getting up early. Well, I never hit slumber land before 5 am so an early rise would be a problem. But I need to.
At around 6ish (morning) my vicinity has some really interesting sounds. And I do want to record these. I could stay up a little longer to make this date but I would be a zombie by then and I would execute the dub poorly.
It's those "early morning" noises that tickle me. One would be rinsing his/her mouth and the spit would sound like he/she had a score to settle with the basin. Another in hip hop mode, with an extended yawn sounding like "YO!". Windows with rusty joints but really an octogenarian's flatulence (damn, they're loud!). A turkey reaching orgasm like sound but she shoved her tooth brush too far down her throat while brushing her tongue.
Ahh...I'll get round to it some time.
Peace & Love, r-H