r-h music, Black Asia Volume, Rajesh Hardwani

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bali Gigs

What up beautiful people?!

We're approcahing the new year! Whoa! Okay...if you have not decided on your NYE plans, and there are (still) airline tickets available (lodging as well!), come on over to Bali and let me move you!

If I don't see you there...be safe, be merry and a high five and hug :: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Oh, if you show up...mention this blog and I just might have a funky ass tee for you *wink*

Peace & Love,

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Morning Call

What up beautiful people?!

I have trouble getting up early. Well, I never hit slumber land before 5 am so an early rise would be a problem. But I need to.

At around 6ish (morning) my vicinity has some really interesting sounds. And I do want to record these. I could stay up a little longer to make this date but I would be a zombie by then and I would execute the dub poorly.

It's those "early morning" noises that tickle me. One would be rinsing his/her mouth and the spit would sound like he/she had a score to settle with the basin. Another in hip hop mode, with an extended yawn sounding like "YO!". Windows with rusty joints but really an octogenarian's flatulence (damn, they're loud!). A turkey reaching orgasm like sound but she shoved her tooth brush too far down her throat while brushing her tongue.

Ahh...I'll get round to it some time.

Peace & Love,